
When we’re not networking in the outside world, or building houses for other people, we work-from-home. One of the perks of working from home is getting to watch our favorite TV shows like The Last of Us . . . wait . . . Its not TV its HBO.

The Last of Us is a PlayStation videogame adaptation set in a post-apocalyptic world where society has crumbled, and the built environment has been abandoned, damaged, and repurposed. Here are some of our biggest takeaways that could be derived from the game’s portrayal of architecture, the built environment and the main characters’ lives:

#1: Be Adaptable.

Architecture can be a symbol of hope and resilience, even in the face of adversity. The passage of time and changes in society can have a profound impact on the built environment. The built environment can play a crucial role in shaping our experiences and emotions.

The Last Of Us Built Environment

Just as the characters in the game have to adapt to new circumstances, here in the real world, where there’s a real pandemic, climate change, and other possible force majeure, we must also be adaptable to new and changing work arrangements such as working from home so that we will not get infected, or so that we’ll be able to stay with our family should a calamity arise (but hopefully not).

#2: Set Boundaries.

The built environment can provide a sense of security and protection, but it can also be a source of danger and fear. In the game, the characters have to deal with the demands of a dangerous world outside of their walls.

The Last Of Us Jackson Wall

Setting boundaries between work and personal life can help maintain a healthy balance mentally, physically and emotionally.

#3: Be Resourceful and Organized.

The intersection of nature and the built environment can have a powerful impact on the characters. The characters in The Last of Us have to keep their supplies organized in order to stay prepared for whatever challenges come their way. They also have to make do with limited resources. They’ve even built their own little greenhouses to feed their community/factions.

The Last Of Us Greenhouse

Us, who are from a third-world country may also need to be resourceful in finding ways to be productive and efficient just in case an apocalyptic event happens in the future (but hopefully not).

#4: Stay Focused and Motivated.

The infected have a clear goal. They even have this network where the infected sends signals to the other infected wherever there’s prey. Then all of a sudden a horde of fungal zombies come out of the ground to kill the humans (like in Episode 5 in the TV show of The Last of Us).

The Last Of Us Bloater

The characters in The Last of Us are motivated by a sense of purpose and a desire to survive. No clear goal, no success.

The Working Dead

Those who work from home can stay motivated by setting goals and focusing on their work. In a post-apocalyptic world (like a third-world country like the Philippines, LOL), sometimes, we need to work harder just to maintain what we have and we can’t afford to work just the right amount. Shockingly, the right amount isn’t really the amount you feel like working. It’s the measure of work that gives the financial balance you want. And sometimes it’s hard to know what that is. If you are an independent contractor, you may be enticed to work excessively or too little.

It’s hard to say no to a project or any job opportunity, even if it’s on a tight deadline and mentally (sometimes literally) taxing, because it may convert to money, loyalty or referrals (but take note that this is not a guarantee). It will take a toll on your health and decision-making skills due to sleep-deprivation and burn-out. It also affects how you handle daily tasks, and the way you look (that’s why I don’t post selfies often coz I already look like a zombie).

Rhoda Fajardo The Working Dead

Distractions are also an issue for this digital age. In my case, it’s always the kids who are distracting (but not in a negative way because I love my kids very much). Anyway, I’ve already disciplined myself not to use the Internet during the working hours I’ve set for myself, with the help of this chrome extension, StayFocusd.


The nth f*cking time you’re distracted you may ask why you don’t work in an office that’s not in your home. But you know why you do this, right? So that you can . . .

#5: Keep your kids in plain sight at all times.

So far, The Last of Us’ characters are very good at being survivalists so I really can’t point out anything wrong with Joel’s parenting (except the first part when he lost Sarah). So, let’s recall some of the characters from another zombie apocalypse tv show that I also loved . . . The Walking Dead.

Oh Shit Where

“Where’s Carl? WHERE’S CARL!” — Lori. She NEVER KNOWS WHERE HER KID IS. Aside from Lori, let’s take a closer look at the other parents/adults in the show, and call out the things we should NOT do:

When Carol took her eyes off Sophia during a zombie stampede on the freeway — Sophia died.

Sophia Died The Walking Dead

When Rick took his eyes off Carl in the woods — Carl was shot.

Carl Shot The Walking Dead

When Carol and Tyrese left unstable Lizzie and Mika alone in the yard — Lizzie turned into a complete psycho and killed her sister Mika (which left Carol no choice but to kill Lizzie too).

Lizzie Mika Died The Walking Dead

I’m sort off guilty of not keeping an eye on my kids all the time. There are times I forget to change my baby’s dirty diaper coz I’m in the momentum of doing my work. And sometimes, I don’t notice my 3 year-old playing with the faucet and wasting water in the bathroom. This is why we should check on our children all the time and do our best to look out for them. Work should never be an excuse for parental neglect. Remind yourself why you’re working-from-home in the first place.

#6: Give your kid a gun.

Parents with a lot on their plates may find it less demanding to do an errand themselves rather than spending the time to teach a child. But resist that urge, and enjoy those teaching moments with your kids.

The Last Of Us Ellie with Gun

And just so you know, not literally with a gun coz that would be illegal (unless the world is overrun with ravenous zombies).

Let’s face it, not all of the kids in the real world today are going to be able to take care of themselves in a zombie apocalypse. Unless . . . your kids are born during the apocalypse, and you have Joel at your side . . . like Ellie.

The Last Of Us Part 2 Ellie with Gun

Children might have a greater fighting chance against the monsters (not limited to zombies, can also be people), and might even gain immunity. Because I believe that the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way (did you sing to that? LOL).

Originally published on March 26, 2015. Edited and republished on February 14, 2023.

Btw, checkout this fan concept trailer we made!

It was rendered in Lumion. We haven’t tried rigging videogame characters yet. But once we get a hang of Unreal Engine, we’ll create more copyright infringing content such as this. Just kidding!

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  • Janice says:

    I love The Walking Dead! 🙂 I love being a work-at-home mom too. Great lessons learned indeed.

  • Vance says:

    I'm sorry but I hate Walking Dead although my teenager loves watching the show. I didn't like him watching it because it's gross and it has a lot of violence, but yeah i agree that we should give our kids responsibilities when they are young.

  • TweenselMom says:

    I enjoyed your post. I am a fan of Walking Dead and I'm still on season 3 🙂 I agree that we can learn so many parenting lessons from this tv series.

  • Hahaha. I'm no fan of the Walking Dead but I kinda get the gist of the series…

    I become a WAHM only on the weekends, when I do blogging and some freelancing gigs. I admit to not always having the daughter in plain sight (but I have other family members around though) but I do check up on her once in a while. Sometimes, I feel guilty that I don't give her full attention too often that I end up pushing aside my work and promising to do it later when the baby (and I) are already asleep. Hahahaha.

  • I love the StayFocused plugin. I'll give it a try. I'm so guilty of not noticing my 3 year old in the bathroom wasting water! Haha.

  • theresa says:

    Funny post. Haha. Though I can't relate with The Walking Dead (since I'm not watching it) , comparing the points to SAHM gives a good laugh.

  • Jackie says:

    I don't watch the Walking Dead but from your post I more or less get the gist of it. I agree to needing to watch your kids (but all the time sounds really hard!) or at least knowing what they're doing at all times, so when I wash the dishes I give my little girl a chalk (in a chalk holder) and let her draw on our door (aka her blackboard). When she's feeling like a rebel I catch her drawing on the floor, but it's all good since we have fun cleaning up afterwards anyway.

  • Me too! One time I caught my daughter drawing on furniture using permanent marker. There's no use putting office supplies in higher places coz she will always find a way to get what she wants. So I always end up giving in to her demands just to stop the annoying tantrums. Hehehe.

  • chieislove says:

    Great learning especially when you connected it to the Walking Dead. It is really a lot of responsibility when you're a mom already.

  • I love these life lessons from The Walking Dead! You're right it's really hard to balance work and house keeping when you're a WAHM.

  • SlickMaster says:

    " I've already disciplined myself not to use the Internet during the working hours I've set for myself …"

    This is SO ME… during the days where I still have a desktop at home. Believe me, it worked on me when it comes to composing my draft blog entries and even writing news articles during my days as an freelance online content writer.

  • Nadine says:

    This is so amusing! And practical! Haha! Who knew Walking Dead can teach you a lot of important life lessons? Love your blog even if I know nothing about architecture 🙂

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